Vaniah's MBA Diaries

On Saturday 1st October 2005, I started an MBA course at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. I'm still wondering how it all happened that I ended up here but I guess that we must all play the hand that we are dealt. So that I don't forget, this blog is intended to document my business school adventure.

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Location: London, United Kingdom

I was born on the sunny tropical isle of Jamaica, and as soon as I could organise it, I moved to colder climes. Crazy huh? After finishing a stint in the city know for its dreaming Spires and knocking around Sweden for a while, I've finaly decided what my next adventure should be. My lovely (Swedish) fiance and I shall be travelling around the world after our wedding in August. Going full circle that is...

Friday, April 21, 2006

OxPEN 2006

Yesterday I attended the 2nd Annual Oxford Private Equity Network Conference held at SBS. As I've missed out on the Private Equity course this term, I thought it would be a shame to get an MBA without having formed an opinion about Private Equity. I'm very glad I went, it was a very interesting conference with an entertaining keynote speaker, Guy Hands, founder of Terra Firma and superb panelists.

The thing that did interest me was the thought that once a PE firm buys a company, one of the things that they do is look closely at the existing management and sometimes replace them. This means that there is a need for good managers who will go into a distressed firm, turn it around, establish new managers to take over from them and move on to the next firm.

A very appealing career prospect... hmmm...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I attended the same forum in 2005, (I came from Warwick Business School) - was very impressed with quality of the speakers too. Hope they will continue these forums. Definitely going there next year.


10:25 am  

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