Vaniah's MBA Diaries

On Saturday 1st October 2005, I started an MBA course at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. I'm still wondering how it all happened that I ended up here but I guess that we must all play the hand that we are dealt. So that I don't forget, this blog is intended to document my business school adventure.

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Location: London, United Kingdom

I was born on the sunny tropical isle of Jamaica, and as soon as I could organise it, I moved to colder climes. Crazy huh? After finishing a stint in the city know for its dreaming Spires and knocking around Sweden for a while, I've finaly decided what my next adventure should be. My lovely (Swedish) fiance and I shall be travelling around the world after our wedding in August. Going full circle that is...

Thursday, January 12, 2006


(gratuitous picture of friends on my latest holiday in Scotland)

Can you imagine? Week 0 has just ended and already I have more things to do than is possible for any person. Fun stuff!

I could talk about the NBD project that I'm doing and the progress that we've been making (first team meeting, first meeting with sponser, first meeting with our supervisor), or the endless beauty parade of presentations from the lecturers trying to convince us that we want to take their courses in Trinity. Blah, blah, blah...

Of course I won't, instead I thought I'd devote a little time to some stuff that has been distracting me and which has been the subject of a number of conversations I've had recently. The subject is of course, Technology and the Web in particular. Here are some questions that I've been asked lately.

What is a Blog?
There is nothing particularly special about a blog. This is a blog. For me, it's a way of recording my experiences as I go about getting an MBA. It's for my parents, my friends and their parents to get a feel of what is going on.

How can I get one?
I use Blogger. Have a look, sign up (it's free) and have a play around. It's very easy to use.

How do I know when you post a new message?
Well the easy answer is to check every few days or so to see if I've been at it again or if you follow a number of blogs then then there is something called an RSS feed which will help you. Just sign up with a reader service like Google Reader or Newsgator (both free) and subscribe to my website by searching for a feed on my Blog. Of course then you'll have to log on to the reader every now and again...

Are you going to run a technology company when you finish?
Who knows? Maybe not right away, but I think it's highly likely that thats where I'll end up.


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