Vaniah's MBA Diaries

On Saturday 1st October 2005, I started an MBA course at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. I'm still wondering how it all happened that I ended up here but I guess that we must all play the hand that we are dealt. So that I don't forget, this blog is intended to document my business school adventure.

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Location: London, United Kingdom

I was born on the sunny tropical isle of Jamaica, and as soon as I could organise it, I moved to colder climes. Crazy huh? After finishing a stint in the city know for its dreaming Spires and knocking around Sweden for a while, I've finaly decided what my next adventure should be. My lovely (Swedish) fiance and I shall be travelling around the world after our wedding in August. Going full circle that is...

Monday, November 07, 2005

Some perspective

My friends Debs & Paul came to visit me on the weekend and commented as I mentioned the vast amounts of work that I've been doing (and still have to do) that from my blog, it appears that all I do is party. So in this entry, I hope to redress the balance.

There is a lot of work to be done here
No really, there is a LOT of work. Let me explain. We are in the progress of doing a one year Masters in Business Administration at the University of Oxford. Most MBA's take two years - we are doing it in 12 months. This term we have 6 core courses: Finance I, Organisational Analysis, Financial Reporting, Statistics, Strategy and Managerial Economics. Each of those courses would have taken you the whole year in Undergraduate, and I am a poet (the Oxford term for complete novice) at them all.

Have I mentioned the workload?
I don't think you quite understand it. Each course has one three and a half hour class each week. Each class has at least 2 chapters of the text and a case to read beforehand. Each of the more numeric courses (Finance, Stats and Fin'l Reporting) give out exercises to work through each week which must be completed before the next class. Each class has between 1 and 3 assignments to be done either individually or in groups which count towards your final grade.

On top of all that, there are the lectures by random visiting speakers, presentations by potential future employers, Oxford Business Network (OBN) events, and finally the bops.

Can you now understand why I may focus slightly on the few hours a week when I'm not chained to my desk but instead get the chance to let my hair down a bit? The memories of the workload will last whether I like it or not, the things I want to remember are the people that I meet here. The incredible diversity of the students, the interesting stories that they tell, the wonderful relationships that I make which I hope will last for the rest of my life.

So please forgive me if it looks like all I do is party, and rest assured that there is plenty of studying happening as well.


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